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Mac's Pride Peaches


Peaches are our family's signature crop!  When Hector McLeod harvested his first peach crop in 1916, he knew he was on to something when the crop arrived 2 weeks earlier than those in North Carolina.  He started with 2 varieties: Elbertas and Georgia Belles.  Now, over a 100 years later, the McLeod family produces over 30 different varieties on 1000 acres of peach orchards.  And we promise, they will be the sweetest, juicy peaches you have ever tasted.


Although Georgia calls itself "the Peach State," South Carolina is actually the leader in peach production in the Southeast, followed by Georgia and Virginia.  The McLeod farming operation is truly a sight to see. In the summer, you can purchase your peaches at our packing house so you can see the process in action.  When it comes to peaches, the family recommends everyone try the Cary Mac variety, developed exclusively by Campbell McLeod - a delicious delight from the Sandhills of South Carolina.

Mac's Pride Peaches
Mac's Pride Peach Gift Pack

In the 90s, with the internet boom and the rise of UPS, the McLeod family saw an opportunity to get their delicious, Southern peaches to people across the nation.  Now, we ship thousands of our fresh-picked peach giftpacks each week to homes and businesses to all 50 states. Click here to order, or email us at for more information.  Corporate orders are welcomed!

Peach Varieties:

Fresh peaches are just about the perfect food -

they are low in calories, high in fiber & Vitamin A, & are sodium free.  


Cling peaches are so named because the fruit clings to the pit on these firmer peaches.  With the Semi-Free peaches, the fruit pulls away from the stone when the peach is ripe.  The fruit of the peach easily pulls away from the stone on our Freestone peaches, our most popular variety for canning & freezing.

Variety Table.png

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